Ed Hunt Bio


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Ed Hunt was born in Batavia, Illinois on April 19, 1918.  He was a vibrant man, assertive and energetic. A musician, an entertainer, a business person and above all a visionary.  Ed made things happen.  Ed was a military veteran, he was especially proud of his tenure, his time served as a nose gunner in the Army during World War II.  After his Honorable Discharge he became active in veterans affairs and joined the VFW and several other veterans organizations.


In 1988, at the age of seventy, Ed, a diabetic with blood pressure and heart problems suffered a stroke that hospitalized him for three months and left the entire left side of his body paralyzed.  During his recovery, Ed attempted to visit the ocean, his favorite place to relax.  Much to his dismay he was unable to get to the water or even see it.  The only way for him to achieve his desire, was to have his relatives and friends carry him, wheelchair and all.  He became intrigued with the idea of building a pathway to the ocean to provide access for people that use wheelchairs and walkers.  He turned the dream into reality.  His vision, perseverance, tenacity and directives paid off.  That coupled with the support of his friends and the City of Oxnard, was the foundation for "Rehab Point Project" a nonprofit corporation.  A major obstacle in creating the path was obtaining funding. Ed personally contributed funds and then solicited donations and enlisted the assistance of local contractors, the City of Oxnard and a U.S. Naval Construction Battalion located in the area.  In 1992 the Rehab Point Project was born with the construction of the first 70 feet of concrete pathway and a 20 foot oval pad.  Ed wasn't finished yet.  He approached community members, friends and numerous organizations for donations to finance additional improvements to the pathway.  His effort paid off. The pathway was extended and curves around the sand dunes at the beach. Many benches complete with dedication plaques were placed along the path.  He also designed and installed a runway of plastic mats that were placed on the sand, making it possible for wheelchairs to roll down to the waters edge.


Toward the end of his life, he became dedicated to promoting the path and making life richer for people with disabilities.  His usual cry of "Promote, Promote, Promote", was heard time and again as he inspired and directed people around him.  After his death in 1998, his spirit stays alive in the organization he created. Today, the concrete pathway is 900 feet long and meanders around the sand dunes at Oxnard Beach.  Roy Chambers, then president of the organization and Gabe Gabrielson, co-founder, with the support of other veterans, family and friends are keeping the dream, now a reality alive.  They are progressing with improvements and social programs based on the instructions of their friend and comrade.  Palm trees, monuments and social activities have been added to the path and Oxnard Beach Park.  Recent additions to the path include a large concrete picnic pad provided by the City of Oxnard. Also, four wheelchair accessible picnic tables and benches were donated, one by the Disabled American Veterans, two by VFW Auxiliary - National, and one by the VFW Auxiliary - State.




"Ed has proven that people with disabilities can, and do, make a difference."






Copyright © 2002-2006 [Ed Hunt Rehab Point Project].